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Maternity leave for me...

Hey Guys!

So I have not had any time at all to do any blog posts which I had high hopes and so many amazing ideas for. That's okay though, because I am now on maternity leave [expecting my second, a little boy] and I am hoping to really be able to focus on keeping you all in the loop about my past and current DIY projects as well as the ever changing design/decor trends. I hope these blog posts will get you motivated to work on or even start tackling your own DIY projects to really give your home that custom personality you cannot buy from a store.

I am a HUGE believer in combining used/collected/antique pieces to really bring character to a space and allow for your families personality to be the focus. This being said, I am one of those people you see on the side of the road, with a big smile on my face because I have just found my newest project - for FREE! It's even gotten to the point where my husband automatically knows to slow down so I can take a really good look at all those lovely pieces sitting on the end of driveways just waiting to be loved again. He's a good man.

So my daughter is going to be a big sister and what better way to celebrate than to get a big girl room makeover. Originally I was excited about planning and designing a new nursery. boy edition. but then I realized my daughter would appreciate and actually notice the change far more, being 3 years old, than a newborn. These are some pictures of my daughter's current bedroom state, if it was up to her the whole thing would be pink and purple. So my game plan is to use the green pieces (which are my absolute favourite) in my sons new nursery and give my daughter a little more purple and pink.

These are some pictures of Sadies current bedroom. If it was up to her the whole thing would be pink and purple.

My newest project is a twin bed frame I picked up from a garage sale just across the road from where we live. I scored a beautiful solid wood, curvy, spindly, headboard and foot-board for only $10, I could already envision it painted up in a beautiful fun colour for my daughters BIG-GIRL room. [this was found over a year ago and stored, along with all my other treasures in our shed until the time was finally right, to get started painting!] My daughter decided she wanted a purple bed. When she told me this, all i was thinking was "what? are you kidding me, the only colour I hadn't already planned to incorporate." So I went hunting for a third fabric to incorporate into my bunting and will continue with my original plan with just a little bit of purple to keep my sweet pea happy.

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